1. Summarise the conventions of title sequences that were most important to this task
For this task, the most important convention of title sequences was the cast and crew listings. Being given a title-less opening sequence to the TV series 'Dexter', we were asked to design the titles for this clip. We had enough time to include the (fictional) names of the director and the cast, but a conventional title sequence would include more roles, such as the Producer or other key crew members. Things such as the Title and production company's graphics were already part of the sequence.
2. How did your group plan to edit the title sequence?
Firstly, what my group decided to do was watch through the sequence completely, taking notes and sketching where we thought would be an appropriate place for titles. We then set about taking it in turn to write and design the titles, discussing our choices as did the task.
3. Explain the creative decisions made by your group
The two main creative decisions we made were the type of font we used and the colour of the titles. We went for a red and white colour scheme because the colour scheme matched the Dexter title graphic's colours. Also we used the sans serif font Bauhaus neue all in capitals, as we thought that using a more complex font would draw the attention of the viewer from the scenes behind the text.
4. How does your re-edit compare to the original?
For our edit, I think that we tried to create difficult titles that were not really needed. Watching the real one and our one side by side you can see that the titles in the real one communicate information to the audience a lot clearer than ours does. However, I do think that the titles in the actual sequence are a little bit too stationary, and the movement of the titles in our sequence adds character to the shot. Lastly, I think the comparison of the placement of titles in each sequence is quite interesting as i think that both have some titles better placed than others for the shots they are in.
Welcome to my A Level Media Blog. My name is Joshua Brooks [0110] and for this project I am working in Group 5 with Vivian Oparah [0621], Sebastian Hodge [0330] and Louis Caldwell [0131]. Under the heading 'Labels' of the left hand side of the page, you are able to filter post from the project's various stages of production. At the bottom of the page is a link to older posts also. Click the link listed below for Group 5's Facebook page, which contains evidence of production work from throughout the project. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog!
NTLS Final Music Video
NTLS Final Music Video
NTLS Final Website
View our Group Facebook group, which we used to administrate the project, here:
Well done, Josh. Your homework posts have all been presented to a very high standard and you have shown excellent theoretical understanding in each task. Technical terminology is used frequently and with accuracy. One point to make is that you could easily extend your written answers to contain more detailed analysis. I know that you enjoy the practical side more than the written, but each should support the other. You are making excellent academic progress (classroom conduct tbc!), so please maintain this high standard of work.