After reviewing the studio session footage from the 13th of November, the group came to the decision that the studio shots were very boring collectively, even with the various shot changes we had planned for to entertain the viewer throughout these scenes. As a solution we thought we could switch up the visuals, especially seeing as we had not taking full advantage of the drum beats in the song after looking into music video theory, namely Carol Varnallys'.
We would use the black cyclorama background and then wear an all white costume, and although we could not find a direct reference for the visuals, we predicted the images produced would be similar to Hotchip's video for Ready For The Floor, which uses a lot of contrasting colours to make a visually striking image.
Due to the fact we had no idea how it would look, and we had no direct references to work with it was very much a risk as to what would work and what wouldn't. In hindsight I think what we could have done better was to put together a small test video using images with inverted colours just to give us an insight into what we were working towards. However we shot the footage and reviewed it the next opportunity we had.
Welcome to my A Level Media Blog. My name is Joshua Brooks [0110] and for this project I am working in Group 5 with Vivian Oparah [0621], Sebastian Hodge [0330] and Louis Caldwell [0131]. Under the heading 'Labels' of the left hand side of the page, you are able to filter post from the project's various stages of production. At the bottom of the page is a link to older posts also. Click the link listed below for Group 5's Facebook page, which contains evidence of production work from throughout the project. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog!
NTLS Final Music Video
NTLS Final Music Video
NTLS Final Website
View our Group Facebook group, which we used to administrate the project, here:
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