Looking back at the images and footage, we realised that a lot of it was actually really useful for the final project although the majority of it was basically exactly the same as what we had collected on the previous Friday's shoot. We had hoped for more variety in promo shots, which can be seen in the earphone and close up photos of the band, however the images of the duo together look very similar if not in some cases worse than some of the original photos, as for some reason we had trouble with replicating the lighting setup of the previous shoot. Nevertheless it was a good process and exercise to complete, and the shots that we did get will be of great use to the website and photo gallery, so the shoot wasn't a total disaster.
Welcome to my A Level Media Blog. My name is Joshua Brooks [0110] and for this project I am working in Group 5 with Vivian Oparah [0621], Sebastian Hodge [0330] and Louis Caldwell [0131]. Under the heading 'Labels' of the left hand side of the page, you are able to filter post from the project's various stages of production. At the bottom of the page is a link to older posts also. Click the link listed below for Group 5's Facebook page, which contains evidence of production work from throughout the project. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog!
NTLS Final Music Video
NTLS Final Music Video
NTLS Final Website
View our Group Facebook group, which we used to administrate the project, here:
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