Looking back at the footage, as always, a large majority of the shots were unusable. We got what we needed however, and it was clear that Louis and Gina were unhappy in this scene. We managed to get some really nice static shots on the bridge and also some of the couple talking by the side of the river with Tower Bridge in the background. This is really great footage as it means that the band image of being a British band is even stronger.
With the narrative shots almost done, we planned the final shoot day, which was the break up between Louis and Gina. We filmed this at Gina's house and had her throw clothes that Louis had worn throughout the video at Louis. Gina was also shouting at Louis and we made it so that Louis was not angry at Gina, as this would make it clear to the audience he was breaking up with her.
After editing the footage together we realised that there needed to be some shots of Louis leaving the house, to show his expression after the argument. We felt this was necessary as otherwise the narrative was left too ambiguous to the viewer, and summed up the story quite well. For practical reasons, we decided that we could shoot at a location closer to the school, as no shots of outside the house had been shown previously. We managed to film Louis outside "Gina's" house one lunch time in school, and review the footage soon after because we were so close.
The new footage was noticeably better and was used in the final video. The shoots were more visible, darker and had better framing.
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