
Welcome to my A Level Media Blog. My name is Joshua Brooks [0110] and for this project I am working in Group 5 with Vivian Oparah [0621], Sebastian Hodge [0330] and Louis Caldwell [0131]. Under the heading 'Labels' of the left hand side of the page, you are able to filter post from the project's various stages of production. At the bottom of the page is a link to older posts also. Click the link listed below for Group 5's Facebook page, which contains evidence of production work from throughout the project. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog!

NTLS Final Music Video

NTLS Final Music Video

NTLS Final Digipak

NTLS Final Digipak
NTLS Final Digipak [Right click to open larger image in new window]

NTLS Final Website

NTLS Final Website
NTLS Final Website [Right click on the image to open the website in a new window]


View our Group Twitter page here:



View our Group Facebook group, which we used to administrate the project, here:


27 Nov 2013

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Film Industry case study 3 (Marketing and distribution online)

1) Below the line Tumblr fan post for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug of a Romanian street publicity stunt aimed at the online fan community. The viral sense of this marketing technique allows the picture to spread quickly from person to person or site to site and reach vast amounts of audiences across the globe.

2) Below the line article written by The Guardian about Ian McKellen's experience of filming for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, which is attempting to reach an audience interested in not only the film, but also Ian McKellen. On top of this, the middle classed Guardian readers are also being targeted,  the vast majority having families. This is great for marketing as it is free publicity and is directly pinpointing a large number of the target audience.

3) Above the line games app for apple products, based on the story of The Hobbit, which aims to draw in the more hardcore and involved audience globally. This marketing method should always be really successful, as although it is paid for, it allows global publicity but also constant advertising from people who have brought the game and always check it. 

 Another reason this method of publicising is so good is it is another source of income, as the list of top grossing apps below suggest.

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